We are excited to announce the launch of our new five year strategy with passion, ambition, feminism, and human rights at its heart.
Our strategy was created through a consultative and collaborative process that engaged women with lived experience, staff, volunteers, and board members.
Uman Get Rayt, our strategy for 2021-2025, is based around three core strategic directions for our work with women and girls: Pursuing Justice, Creating Opportunities for Women and Girls, and Multiplying our Impact. These are supported by two internal strategic directions: Empowering our People, and Organisational Effectiveness.
Through this new strategy, we will build our crucial dual role of service provision and advocacy so as to impact more women through reform. We will meet the immediate legal and welfare needs of women and girls while driving sustainable impact through education and economic empowerment. Our strategy is designed to enable us to deliver to our strengths and to work with our partners to draw on theirs, multiplying our collective impact. As we grow, we will strengthen our organisational sustainability so that we have a strong and sustainable footing to serve the women and girls that drive us to be, do, and act every day.
2021 marks our 15th year of working in Sierra Leone and we are delighted and proud to spend the next five years driving forward our guiding vision: that women and girls in Sierra Leone have their human rights respected and protected by a gender-responsive justice system, and are empowered to secure their rights and hold the system to account.
We look forward to working with you to implement this strategy and achieve our vision for women and girls in Sierra Leone.
In solidarity,
The AdvocAid fambul – women with lived experience, volunteers, staff and board