About Us
AdvocAid works with girls and women caught up in Sierra Leone’s often unjust legal system. We are the only organisation in West Africa providing holistic access to justice via free legal representation,education empowerment, detainee support and a moving forward programme, ensuring detainees leave as stronger women with brighter prospects.
AdvocAid was founded in 2006 and is celebrating its 15 year anniversary in 2020. Read our blog to learn more about our achievements over the past 15 years.
Today, we work in several towns across Sierra Leone to ensure these women and their children receive fair legal representation, are educated on their legal rights and offered rehabilitation support upon release. As well as providing these short term interventions, we deliver advocacy and law reform projects focused on wider issues impacting women in the justice system, ensuring we are changing women’s future prospects in the long term.
What we do
Pursuing Justice
AdvocAid provides women and girls in contact with the law with access to justice and upholds their rights. We work to provide legal education and empowerment and to foster feminist legal and policy reform so the women and girls we work with can use and shape the laws that impact them.
Creating Opportunities for Women and Girls
AdvocAid creates opportunities for women and girls to gain access to education and economic opportunities.
Empowering our People
Our staff are the heart of AdvocAid. We want to empower our people by developing staff recognition and support processes, and strengthening the professional development opportunities for our staff.
Organisational Effectiveness
Ensuring AdvocAid has a strong internal structure, systems and processes which support our work; effective and creative communications to increase our reach and impact; and financial security with flexible funds that enable us to deliver and achieve our strategy and adapt to changing contexts.
Our Stories
Get a better understanding of the work we do by reading some of our 15 year anniversary stories here.

Support our work
We need your support to enable us continue our valuable work supporting vulnerable girls and women in Sierra Leone
Safeguarding Statement:
Click here to read our safeguarding statement.