Police Case: I and II

Police Case is a TV series – first aired across the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) in 2012 – which follows the stories of three women who have fallen into conflict with the law. The series follows their encounters with the police, courts and prison, providing valuable information to the viewers about legal rights.
The first series was four episodes long, each followed by a live call in discussion with members of the Police, civil society and judiciary. Police Case was also proudly screened across the country as part of the Opin Yu Yi Human Rights Film Festival, and we were delighted that it was nominated for an Innovating Justice Prize in 2012.
Using the series, we have launched a DVD and Facilitator’s Guide to support legal education.
The second series aired between October and December 2015, on SLBC, and at eight episides long, covers issues including: Loitering, Public Order, Ebola, Infanticide, Child Trafficking, Traffic Laws, Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Micro Credit. You can watch all the Police Case episodes here.
Keep up to date with Police Case by following it on Facebook.
By using popular media and the growing film industry in Sierra Leone to raise awareness about legal rights, we are enabling legal education to be a mainstream conversation, and providing a safe space in which girls and women can discuss and learn about their legal rights.
Read this guest blog our former Executive Director, Simitie Lavaly, wrote for Penal Reform on using popular culture as a means of legal education.